EndOfTheWorld.co has a current Dec 21, 2012 countdown clock to the media's version of the end of the world. We plan to contribute content on mysterious UFO sightings, storm watch, natural disasters, upcoming end of the world movies and end of the world dreams such as the three suns dream, nuclear destruction, solar flares, Kepler-22b planet, and anything that relates to the end of the wold.
Psychics have predicted major natural disasters in 2012. There is a super volcano watch out in Yellow Stone National Park. We don't want any volcano to erupt since it can mean the end of the world. Massive earthquakes underneath the ocean floor can create powerful tsunamis.
We see preppers on the prepper show stocking up on rations. Are these people going overboard with the end of the world? Or are the preppers intelligent survivors. We can know for sure. End of the world talk is clouding the media with 2012 books, 2012 History Channel shows, and end of the world movies are always popular.
Visit EndOfTheWorld.co to find end of the world entertainment. See you at the end!
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