Friday, April 13, 2012

Cabin in the Woods is a bad movie

Let's get real for a minute - the new horror/slasher movie Cabin in the Woods is a bad movie. Cabin in the Woods started off decent like most gory horror movies. However, the horror movie deals out the worst twist ending.

In the Cabin in the Woods movie, moviegoers are introduced to college kids planning a trip in the woods. The main lead actress experienced a bad breakup with her college teacher. Another female character dyed her hair blond. The movie characters are believable.

We sense these characters are in for a wild ride. Poor concept, bad writing, and terrible directing butchered the Cabin in the Woods movie. Moviegoers soon realize they wasted their money watching a bad horror movie.

Rotten Tomatoes is deceiving moviegoers with a high movie rating. Flixster users rated the film too high. This movie doesn't deserve any recognition.

Cabin in the Woods took a bad twist, ruining a horror concept that Saw movies made popular. The plot design thus took a science fiction turn to butcher an already bad movie. Beware of the Cabin in the Woods movie because it ranks as the worst horror movie ever. There is no dumber horror movie than Cabins in the Woods. 

If you want to celebrate Friday the 13th, then take a chance on the horror/slasher movie. But for the most part, Cabin in the Woods is a terribly bad horror movie. The movie will make decent money this weekend, but the wretched horror movie will tumble down soon after word of mouth spreads about the pathetic film ending.

Watch Cabin in the Woods at your own risk. 

 Update: After several heated discussions on the Cabin in the Woods movie, we retract our "bad" label attached to the movie. The movie is making fun of the horror movie genre. It is clever to mock viewers who want gore, slashers, torture porn, and creepy movies. Do watch Cabin in the Woods to make your own interpretation. You might like the movie.   


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