Monday, March 12, 2012

AMC The Walking Dead Episode 212

AMC's The Walking Dead was wild last night. We never expected the rumored main character death would occur in episode 212. The Walking Dead episode was emotional. What did we learn from The Walking Dead episode 212?

In the previous episode, a walker gutted Dale. The moral character in the zombie show died a grueling death. The gut-wrenching moment prevented Dale and the group from saying their goodbyes. It was that gruesome to watch Dale get ripped apart. He unexpectedly exited The Walking Dead without us learning of the spoiler ahead of time.  

In episode 212, the group buried Dale, promising they would stick together to keep Dale's moral wishes intact. Carl admits to Shane that his actions near the creek caused Dale's demise. 

Shane confronts Rick about needing to have a talk with Carl. The episode is tense in the last 20 minutes. You will be shocking with the 212 ending. It is an emotional outcome. You won't believe who dies at the end. Even worse, the zombie virus has a backstory that may affect every living person. 

The virus clues are discussed in the CDC - Jenner whispers in Rick's ear. We see rotten corpses on the freeway that are not zombies. They all have some sort of brain trauma. Rick shot two guys in the bar, making sure to shoot the bigger one in the head. Pay close attention to the reveal in the season finale.

The zombie virus is possibly airborne. We believe that any person who dies can become a zombie. Revisiting the CDC, the freeway and the 18 miles out episode conveys the truth about the zombie virus. What if every living person is a carrier of the zombie virus? Hence, the only way to turn into a zombie is to get bitten or to die of natural causes. 

The season 2 finale will delve into the zombie virus even further. We will learn what Jenner whispered into Rick's ear. Who will die in the season finale? If you want to read the spoiler to episode 212, visit

The Walking Dead is an awesome post-apocalyptic about surviving the end of the world. Most viewers find it scary to think there is no resolution to defeat the zombie apocalypse. Season 2 finale is going to be a major episode that ties up the loose ends. Who will die next?    

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