Monday, October 3, 2011

Tsunami Dreams

Have you experienced the dreaded tsunami dream? Tsunami dreams are frightening. You find yourself questioning the reality of tsunami dreams. What do tsunami dreams symbolize to a dreamer?

Tsunami dreams tap into the unconscious or subconscious mind. Whereas many dreamers may experience a tsunami dream, there is no actual dreaming guide to decode a tsunami dream. Therefore, decoding the wave dream will help dreamers understand the tsunami dream.

According to Kosrin (2005), "Waves symbolize the power of the unconscious. Enormous breaking waves may present powerful emotions, and gentle waves may suggest a tranquil state of mind" (p. 268).

In your tsunami dream,  do you notice large waves heading toward you? Can you remember if the waves are high? Are they traveling fast? Tsunamis can range anywhere from 10 feet to as high as 1000 feet. These waves can travel at speeds in excess of 1000 miles per hour. Thus, tsunamis hit land, and then break towards inland towns and cities. The speed of a tsunami depends on the source of the power. Did an earthquake start the tsunami? Or did a large chunk of land fall into the water after a volcano erupted?

A volcano is powerful enough to create a deadly tsunami. We never think about the destruction a tsunami can cause until such disasters like the 2004 tsunami and past tsunamis wreak havoc on humanity. Tsunamis are powerful enough to kill thousands of people and destroy entire towns, villages and cities along the coastline. Tsunamis can travel across thousands of miles. Hence, tsunamis will continue to move further inland for hundreds of miles. Dreams about tsunamis increase pressure in the subconscious mind.

If you keep having recurring tsunami dreams, then the dream interpretation suggests you need to release your emotions in the same manner as the overflowing toilet dream. Water is a dream symbol to convey emotions. Calm waves indicate a calm mind. A tsunami determines that you have "powerful emotions" (Kosarin, 2005, p. 268). My past tsunami dreams occurred while I worked on completing my undergraduate degree and graduate degree.

In tsunami dreams, the high waves usually appear violent. I questioned the reality of the tsumani dream, which I couldn't believe my eyes. The fast-moving wave raced toward the coastline in a matter of seconds. On two occasions, I attempted to drive up the mountain in my Acura Integra; however, the wave reached me too quickly. I always woke up prior to the tsunami smothering me inside my car.

Tsunami dreams represent uncontrollable emotions expressed in your unconscious or subconscious mind. You are likely experiencing major stress. There is a chance that past events are straining your unconscious mind (ptsd). Tsunami dreamers must look at their current lifestyle to decode their tsunami dreams. Do people criticize you too often? Are you afraid to express your emotions? Have fear of rejection? Want to forget about a past event?

Tsunami dreams point to emotion distress. Pay attention to the power of the waves. Focus on the height and speed of the waves. If the waves are tame, then you have an open mind. Releasing such emotions before they build up to become a rather debilitating problem can improve your conscious mind.

Holding your emotions inside can force the subconscious mind to adversely react without you initiating the flight/fight response. We can't control our fear unless we learn to understand the source of the problem. Traumatic events linger around in the mind with no end in sight. If you can learn to control your emotions, the tsunami dreams will end.

Some assume tsunami dreams represent dream predictions. In Indian culture, the water is viewed as purity. Evil spirits tend to avoid water. Your physical body and mental state of mind are protected while in the presence of water. Tsunamis are identified as a reaction to a powerful action such as an earthquake, a comet and or a volcano.

Find the source of your problems to resolve your emotional issues. Why do you block your emotions? You may consider looking into the past to improve your future. Don't allow your emotions to over pressure your subconscious mind. Constant pressure can lead to a number of health problems associated with chronic stress.

Tsunami dreams interpret the power of your emotions. The best stress relievers to reduce the frequency of or to eliminate tsunami dreams are to meditate, exercise, and to communicate with family, friends, strangers and therapists. Have a tsunami dream you want to share? Leave your comments below.


  1. Ive had a couple of Tsunami dreams lately. The one i had last night was where it was hitting the coast and i couldnt find my best friend, loved ones so i was scrambling against the crowds down rocks to find them. In my other dream i was on thebeach with my family and i seen the wave so got my mother and brother to start running but she was unableto as she had left her shoe. I ran back to get her shoe at a close call to the water catching me. Can you get any light on what these dreams signify? A~

  2. Thanks for the comment. Your tsunami dreams are consistent with the fear of tsunamis and the recent natural disaster events. Most dreamers who live near a body of water have tsunami dreams.

    There is not as much dream analysis and dream research on tsunami dreams. However, I can decipher dreams about tsunamis. Dreams about water such as tsunamis identify communication problems between the people projected in your tsunami dreams.

    Do you have any past conflict or ongoing conflict with your brother and mother? What about with your best friend? Water in dreams such as the toilet dream point to emotional detachment in the waking life. Do you allow your emotion to flow? Are you stressed? Holding in a lot of pressure inside? Financial distress? Worried about the end of the world talk?

    Tsunamis represent a dream symbol for powerful emotion. Since the waves are extremely powerful, they hint to strong emotions. According to Kosarin (2008), muddy water indicates "sorrow in the near future" (p. 268). What she is suggesting is that some type of events will create sadness. Thus, connect the tsunami dream to your family. You seem to be searching or wanting to save your family and or best friend. Emotions, journey and fear factor into your tsunami dreams.

    Tsunamis are scary events since they are capable of wiping out millions of people. A massive 9.0 earthquake in the Atlantic ocean can send tsunamis in all directions.As seen in the 2004 tsunami hitting the Thailand Beach, the tsunami created muddy water. If you see muddy water, then that is a sign pointing to a future unhappy event.

    The powerful waves suggest you need to release your emotions, maybe improving communication between your loved ones and friend because you never know what events can occur in the future. Show you appreciate your family and friends. Don't push them away. You also seem to represent the strong link in the tsunami dreams. You accept the direct role to save your loved ones and to search. Hence, you have good leader qualities and people look to you to make decisions.

    While running away from the waves, it conveys you may be running away from your emotional problems, but then you want to make a valid attempt to confront them with going back to get the shoe. The shoe symbol refers to making adjustments to advance. A dirty shoe demonstrates you may be "weary of the journey or that it is near completion" (Kosarin, 2008, p. 260). Are you close to completing a goal or still on the journey? In future tsunami dreams, remember every dream symbol. They have importance which can help to decipher dreams.

    Check out my new site Decoding Dreams. You can reach via or If you like, you can share the connection of the tsunami dream to your waking life - emotions, communication, worrying, journey, waking dreams, struggles, advancing, and etc. Thanks.

  3. Moat of the dreams that I remember are about Tsunamis. For like the past couple of months they have been about tsunamis, but in different places. In real life, I live really close to the ocean and I have been in a few scary situations with big waves that come out of no where while I was swimming, I've thought that I was gonna die a few times. In my dreams, sometimes they're at the beach that I always go to, but moat if the time they're not. I'm always in the water swimming, sometimes with my mom and my brother or sometimes with a guy that I like and sometimes I'm by myself with lots of people I don't know. There's usually boats in the water and the waves are probably about 100-200 feet high. The dreams usually stop right before the tsunami gets me, because I wake myself up. I just blink my eyes and I'm awake, but what do these dreams mean or what are they trying to tell me?

  4. Do you have any overwhelming feelings that are you holding inside? The tsunami waves are pointing to possibly bringing the emotions surface. They could represent past experiences, even ones that are suppressed to protect the mind from harm.

    To have dreams about tsunamis also suggest a person is experiencing unhappiness in their real life or in a particular situation bothering them. The height of the waves dictate the size of the problem or emotions.

    Tsunami dreams are connected to emotions and deep problems. You can also have fear of tsunamis due to the recent earthquakes, end of the world media, and living near an ocean. Tsunami dream seekers are often located near oceans.

    Thus, dreams about tsunamis are emotionally connected to feelings, unhappiness, and other problems associated with needing to release the emotions to bring them up to the surface.

    Check out
    to visit Decoding Dreams. We can discuss more about your tsunami dreams. Or we can hold the conversation here. Thanks for sharing your dream experience.

  5. I've had tsunami dreams before, but last night's dream was the most vivid. I could remember why I was in the location I was in (to help research a fault line in the ocean where water was pouring in) and how we got there (we took a boat). I don't remember any friends or loved ones with me; these were all strangers. I also don't remember being worried about any friends or loved ones, only myself.

    After the day's research we went back to the beach house. I happened to look out the windows (which was the entire wall facing the beach, and saw the tsunami. It was tall- not overpoweringly tall, but at least 50-100ft. It was racing towards us and I remember being terrified (drowning is my greatest fear) but the owner of the house said not to worry, that the house had been built to withstand tsunamis and was embedded deep into the earth. Sure enough, the wave hit and we were high enough that we didn't get swept away, but I could feel the force of the wave, and I watched others get swept away. (I also remember thinking "Well, what did you expect? You're researching an active fault line not a mile offshore, of COURSE there's a tsunami!" So I even know what caused it.)

    After the first wave I thought it was over, but it wasn't. Every few minutes there was another tsunami (I did notice that they were all about the same height) At some point we made it to a boat (because the house couldn't take anymore hits) but the boat wouldn't get us out of there, so we became stuck on the boat as the waves kept coming.

    I remember the final wave tipped us all the way over (whereas others and just pushed us almost over or rocked us violently). I was thinking "This is it, I'm not going to make it." Then my alarm went off. Interestingly enough, however, I turned OFF my alarm and fell right back into the dream where I left off. The wave DIDN'T kill me and when I did wake up again, it was in the middle of the authorities trying to find a way to rescue us.

    All of my other tsunami dreams were never this vivid, and this long and continuous. The detail was amazing.

  6. Hi Mandy,

    Thank you for sharing your tsunami dream. Amazing dream experience! You have a good memory to describe the tsunami dream in such vivid details. It seems as if you experienced a lucid dream you controlled from beginning to end.

    Most people are afraid of tsunami dreams. It is common that dreamers living near bodies of water tend to experience the tsunami dream quite often. Most water dream, even the tsunami dream, are emotionally driven. It can suggest that you want to share you emotions with others.

    I tend to talk to many strangers at every location. When I locked myself inside to overwrite, I experienced a few tsunami dreams. Writers must rely on motivation and passions to avoid boredom and isolation issues.

    It is good to share your emotions with strangers. I'm sure you are very friendly with most people since you shared your tsunami dream experience here. The power of the waves convey your emotions. Some dreamers have tsunami dreams where the wave is 1000 feet high. They usually involve closed friends and family members.

    Your tsunami dream is relevant to Jennifer Connely's character in the The Day the Universal Stood Still. She must join a crew to investigate a UFO landing. Your dream is also like most movies that show a team sent out to investigate a major threat. The Thing (2011) movie involves the female scientist sent out to investigate an Alien specimen. She doesn't know many of the people.

    Your tsunami dream is actually a lucid dreaming experience. You can activate all your five senses to move about the dream. Most dreamers who attempt to reenter the dream again after awaking are unsuccessful. You should try to enter the tsunami dream once again to record the details.

    There is strong dream symbols in your tsunami dream. Your mind is trying to communicate something to you concerning possible emotional and unresolved issues. If you don't have any waking problems, then maybe talking to stranger at a bookstore, at the store, and other places can create good opportunities.

    Please visit again to share your future dream experiences. Your tsunami dream is very cool. Our dreams enable us to experience what is tragic in the waking life. Thanks again for sharing the tsunami dream.

  7. @Mandy,

    You do live near a body of water near a coast. A comet or a large earthqukake would create a tsunami capable of reaching inland.

    I run several movie websites similar to your favorite movies.

    Natural Disaster Movies
    End of the World Movies
    nMetaphysical Movies
    Fast and the Furious Movies

    I also run:
    Exorcism Movies
    Plot Spoiler
    Movie Ending
    Movie Tagline
    Famous Movie Quote
    Quote Writing
    The Taglines
    Decipher Dreams
    The Screenwriting
    Box Office Weekend
    Professional Hair Service
    nOOb World
    Job Careers

    I try to cover the most popular topics. In addition to the websites above, I also run several others on various topics. The top sites are this website, End of the World Movies, Box Office Weekend, Exorcism Movies, and nOOb WOrld. Metaphysical Movies, Plot Spoiler, Movie Ending, and a few others are gathering steam.

  8. It's actually Metaphysical Movies. The above notes an n in front of metaphysical movies.

    Metaphysical Movies

  9. I live in Florida, so I'm surrounded on 3 sides by water lol. But I don't have any (conscious) fear of a tsunami.

    I have been experiencing some emotionally trying times in the last few days. Nothing earth shattering, but definitely unresolved. It seems as though that could be the trigger.

    The night before the tsunami dream I had another vivid dream, but it involved people I knew and a regular day-to-day situation. I do remember thinking in the dream that it was very long and I should wake up soon, but I didn't. I actually saw the dream through to the resolution (or, what felt like one at least) before I woke up.

    Normally I can't remember dreams with so much detail. That's why when I found your website I wanted to get your input. (Thank you so much for it, by the way) For instance, last night I dreamed, but I can only remember that I dreamed and that there were vague images and they had to do with the book I was reading just prior to falling asleep.

    You mentioned "lucid dreams"... does that mean I'm in a very deep sleep or a more awake sleep which is why I can use my senses so well?

  10. The subconscious does react to emotional triggers. Think about everything in your waking life that can be resolved through sharing your emotions and feelings with another. For example, some workers who have problems with another staff member tend to avoid confronting the conflict.

    Lucid dreaming is when you realize the reality of the dream such as knowing you're dreaming while in the sleeping state. You can control the dream world. Inception is a perfect example of lucid dreaming and dream projections.

    Your welcome. Im just glad you can use the dream analysis to somehow apply to your waking life. While in a lucid dream, you can activate your five senses to create directed dream projections. You are therefore the author of the dream events.

    Recognize the recurring dream symbols. Once you see these dream symbols, tell yourself in the dream that you are in a dream and that you want to activate the lucid dream state.

    Sometimes listening to the television while dreaming becomes a dream projection in our sleeping dreams. We make sense of the news and or shows through incorporating them as part of the dream itself.

    Another popular dream is the three suns, yellow spider, job, overflowing toilet, examination, frog and the tsunami dream. You will find dream symbols in every new dream that is relevant to your waking life.

    I look forward to your future dreams. Awesome that you live in northernmost part of Florida. You definitely live in a really cool state. Have an eventful dream experience tonight. Thanks Mandy.

  11. I have had a few Tsunami dreams over the last year.
    The first was the most interesting, I dreamt that I was firstly on the beach when the sea started to recede from the beach and I knew that there was going to be a huge Tsunami, I started to panic and then suddenly I was floating above the ocean watching the Tsunami below me. It was really deafening and in the distance I saw a green square which was expanding and eventually it got too full and exploded. I woke up then and made sure as usual that I wrote this in an email and sent to myself. About a week later the Japanese Tsunami happened and the green square expanding before exploding - could this have been the green square buildings of the Fukoshima power plant?! It was quite scary and when I saw it on the news it did send a shiver down my spine and my Husband felt a bit weird!
    In my other Tsunami dreams I dreamt that my Husband and I were playing in the sea in a warm place, in the distance were 3 round rocks with lots of posh boats around. The sea started to recede from the beach again and I knew we were going to die. I tried to get my Husband to say goodbye to me as we watched the wave come toward us but he wouldn't and then as the wave was about to hit I woke up.
    My last Tsunami dream was a couple of nights ago. I was standing in what seemed like a dark cave but it had a very square entrance and shape so it may not have been a cave and I was in a place that I think was Cyprus. Outside the entrance was a beach and the sea and I saw the sea recede and a large wave came toward me, I jumped as the wave came into the cave and managed to float / fly above the wave. This happened again a few more times before I woke up. In this dream the waves were alot smaller than in previous dreams.
    Although the first one appears to have been a premonition (and I do think this as I have dreamt of other things that have happened - but that's another story!) the other dreams don't appear to be of this type and so what do they mean?

  12. Hi Emma,

    Thank you for sharing your tsunami dream. The first tsunami dream appears to be a prophecy dream since the dream symbol is identical to the Japan tsunami last year.

    Premonition dreams can occur without warning. You can tell yourself that you want to know what the tsunami dream is trying to convey. Asking for answers prior to sleeping can help you to figure out the tsunami dream that seems more like a prophecy.

    Most tsunami dreams involve emotions and people. The people in your tsunami dreams are those you need to improve your relationships with, such as sharing personal problems and or developing better communication. If you see strangers, then you should talk to more strangers.

    The cave dream symbol refers to hiding from yourself. What is it that you need to reveal? Remember your emotions while inside the cave. How are you reacting to the experience? Are you hiding from emotions? Problems? Want to share your problems? Afraid of a past event?

    The cave dream symbol and the tsunami are emotionally charged as well as secrecy. Dreams about tsunamis are basically therapeutic. They communicate a need to improve relationships with the people inside your dream.

    The first dream is a prophecy dream that doesn't suggest your psychic, but can indicate some spiritual power that you hold while in the dream state. We can astral travel in our dreams. You can tap into dimensions such as the subplanes - an alternate dimension of the physical planes.

    Keep me updated on your future dreams. Thanks again for sharing your dreams.

  13. I had mt first Tsunami dream last night. I can't really remember the context of the dream but I could see the water receding dramatically then massive waves rolling in 100s of feet high. I could see the colors of the waves light green, emerald green transparent deep greens and blue with fluffy white on the edge of the wave.

    I remember being afraid at first then thinking about trying to surf it then afraid again then running away or trying to! One thing that stood out were the colors I remember thinking that for something so massive and destructive the colors were beautiful.

    1. Thanks for sharing your tsunami dream. Interesting events shaping in your tsunami dream.

      The main dream symbol in the colorful nature of the water. Water movement in dreams refer to emotions.

      Tsunami dreams convey big emotions. You're definitely facing your emotions in your dream. The bright, vibrant colors calm your fears.

      Your tsunami dream is positive. Face your fears, confront any emotional problems you have, resolve past memories and experiences and improve communication.

      Please share any future tsunami dreams. Keep dreaming.

  14. Last night i had a tsunami dream. i was with my family, my dad,mom, brother and one unknown friend of my brother. we were at the sands, standing there and staring at the sea and comparing it to the other beaches that we've visited before. then suddenly a big wave is coming towards us. super big solid blue wave. we tried to save ourselves by running as fast as we can but the wave reached us in a few seconds. then I felt my body losing out of control, surrounded and being dragged by the strong force of water. that moment i knew that i would die. so i leave everything in God's hands. but after that, i saw a green bush, i held on to it to keep me in place despite the strong force of water trying to push my body away. after a while, the water receded. and saw my dad my mom and brother. i couldn't believe that we survived the tsunami attack. but that one unknown friend of my brother is missing, probably died.

  15. Thanks for sharing your tsunami dream. Having tsunami dreams is mostly about resolving suppressed emotions, memories and communication issues.

    Assess your friendship to determine if any communication problems are creating barriers. You seem to have confronted your emotions in the dream. Pay close attention to dream symbols in your tsunami dream.

    Keep us posted on your future dreams. Thanks again.

  16. I had a dream about a tsunami last night and this thing was like, 5 or 6 storeys high, it was massive.

    Kids and I were at the beach swimming, day was blue skies & sunny, water was calm and the BAM! tsunami out of nowhere. The wave was the same color as the water that aquamarine color, it was moving relatively fast but I had enough time to grab onto the kids before it hit us. We kinda rode the top for a bit before we went under but we managed to resurface and much to my surprise I still had a hold of the kids.

    We managed to get safety before the next 2 waves hit and the size of them didn't change. We took refuge in a school I use to go too and I went around shutting and locking the doors and windows trying to keep the kids that were at school safe from the water. Shutting the doors seemed to keep the water out.

    By the end of the dream I was at a friends place and her house was on hill overlooking the water and we were pretty high up but I could see all of the carnage these waves left behind and it was devastating. There was debris everywhere and after the last wave hit thats when I noticed the water had turned a muddy brown and it had started to rain. Me and the kids were with my friend and we were driving along a dirt road next to a river and we could see cars floating in the water but the people inside in them were alive, much to my relief. I woke up after that.

    I've had dreams of tsunami's and floods before but I always managed to get away from them - this time...I didn't. If I was to be honest about how I felt when I first saw the tsunami coming, I was like WTF? But it didn't surprise me one bit that I was going to be able to get away from it this time. I just had to make sure me and the kids survived it.

    1. It was meant to say - it didn't surprise me one bit that I "wasn't" going to be able to get away from it

  17. World Movies Box
